
Can A Mechanic Hold My Car For The Cost Of Unautorized Repairs In Pennsylvania


Государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение Нижегородской области



по дисциплине «Английский язык»

для студентов Ii курса

тема 6

«Моя будущая профессия, карьера»

для специальности 23.02.07 «Техническое обслуживание

и ремонт двигателей, систем и агрегатов автомобилей»


на заседании предметно-цикловой

комиссии общеобразовательных дисциплин ПРОТОКОЛ №   от «three» сентября 2022г. Председатель ПЦК __________________


преподаватели иностранных языков

Воронина М.В., Булкина Т.А.

Красные Баки


Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов специальности «Техническое обслуживание и ремонт двигателей, систем и агрегатов автомобилей» по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)». В пособие включены технические тексты и тексты для дополнительного чтения. Материал представлен для изучения и закрепления специальной лексики будущих специалистов.


The profession of a motorcar mechanic……………………………………….…....

Applying for a task…….……………………………………………………....

Business etiquette…………….....…………...…………………….…….……

Список литературы …………………………………………………………...







The development of the automotive manufacture

Exercise ane. Group the words given below into 2 groups with the stress on the first and on the second syllable.

Transport (due north), tractor, internal, engine, develop, vehicle, blueprint, period, invention, mixture, energy.

Do 2. Say what inventions you consider the well-nigh of import in the history of car industry development .

Exercise three. Look through the text given below and name the people who made an essential input into the machine industry development.

The birth of the machine as we know it today occurred over a period of years.

Man'south first journey on the road of mechanized transport began with the invention of the wheel in 4000 BC. In the early 1760s, the first steam-driven tractor was built by a French Captain, Nicolas Jacob Cugnot.

In 1807 Franҫois Isaac de Rivaz designed the first internal combustion engine (двигатель внутреннего сгорания). This was used past him to develop the world's first vehicle to run on such an engine, one that used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen to generate energy.

In 1860, Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir patented the first successful two-stroke (двухтактный) gas-driven engine. In 1862 he built an experimental vehicle driven by a liquid-fuel version of his gas-engine, which ran at a speed of 3 km/60 minutes.

The next major stride forward occurred in 1885 after the four-stroke engine had been devised. In 1885, Karl Benz designed and congenital the world's first tricycle to be powered by an internal combustion engine.

In the meanwhile, unknown to him, Gottileb Daimler was in the process of creating the world's get-go 4-bike horseless carriage. This car, which was more similar the cars on our roads today, kickoff saw the low-cal of the day in 1886.

Practise 4. Adapt the following events in the guild they took place in the history:

i. the first internal combustion engine was designed,

two. the first steam-driven tractor was built,

three. the world's first four-wheel horseless wagon was created,

iv. the starting time two-stroke gas-driven engine was patented,

5. the bicycle was invented,

six. the four-stroke engine was devised.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. The invention of the bicycle took place in … .

2. The kickoff steam-driven tractor was built by … .

iii. The get-go internal combustion engine was designed past … .

four. In 1860 … was patented.

v. In 1862 an experimental vehicle was built, which ran ... of 3 km/hour.

6. In 1886 … get-go saw the light of the mean solar day.

Do half dozen. Say if you know what countries are considered the largest car producers in the earth.

Exercise 7. Read the text and find in it the words which mean the aforementioned:

to get into the first place; a range of cars; to satisfy the needs; the principal producer; to fall behind; using piffling fuel.

Present Nihon and the United states are the largest motorcar producers. Japan replaced the United States as the tiptop passenger car manufacturer from 1980 to 1983. It regained the top spot in 1987 and still holds the start identify. Other major producers include French republic, Germany, Great Uk, Italy and Kingdom of spain. In general, the largest automating countries also have the largest markets for cars. The United States has the biggest car market by far. Such countries every bit Japan, Italian republic, and French republic follow well behind.

The largest U.S. automakers, called the Big Iii, are General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler Corporation. Each of the Big Three produces, nether different merchandise names, a variety of cars and light trucks designed to run across the needs, preferences, and incomes of dissimilar consumers.

Japan's major producers include Toyota Motor Corporation, Nissan Motor Company, Honda Motor Visitor, Mitsubishi Motor Visitor, and Mazda Motor Corporation. Historically, Japanese cars made for use in Nihon have tended to be small, fuel efficient, and of limited power. This is because Japan depends completely on imported oil and many of its streets are too narrow and crowded for big cars. For export, Japan produces a range of models to satisfy diversity of buyers. Many European companies brand far fewer vehicles than do Japanese or American firms because they target their output to the smaller luxury and sports automobile markets. Such European producers include Jaguar of Great britain; Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW, and Porsche of Federal republic of germany; and Saab and Volvo of Sweden. Other European manufacturers produce millions of cars each year. These major producers include Volkswagen of Federal republic of germany; Peugeot and Renault of France; and Fiat of Italy.

Practice 8. Fill in the table with the information from the text.

The state

The main car manufacturers


The The states

French republic


Bully Britain

Italian republic


Practise nine. Correct the incorrect information in the sentences given below and write down the correct sentences.

1. Nowadays Nippon and the USA are the largest auto producers.

2. The U.k. has the biggest car market.

3. The largest U.S. automakers are Jaguar, Audi and BMW.

4. Historically, Japanese cars made for use in Japan have tended to be big and powerful.

5. Deutschland depends completely on imported oil.

half dozen. Japan holds the 2nd place as a passenger car manufacturer.

Exercise 10. Speak most the function of the largest auto producers in the world in the automobile industry development.


My profession

Exercise 1. Say if you choose your time to come profession yourself or y'all followed somebody's advice. What arguments did you take into consideration?

Practice 2. Read the text and attempt to understand the meanings of the underlined words and discussion combinations.

Machine mechanic

A automobile mechanic (or automobile mechanic in British English and motor mechanic in Australian English) is a mechanic who specializes in automobile maintenance, repair, and sometimes modification. The mechanic may exist knowledgeable in working on all parts of a variety of motorcar makes or may specialize either in a specific surface area or in a specific brand of auto. In repairing cars, their main role is to diagnose the problem accurately and apace. They oft accept to quote prices for their customers before commencing work or subsequently fractional disassembly for inspection. The mechanic uses both electronic means of gathering data and their senses. Their chore may involve the repair of a specific role or the replacement of ane or more than parts.

Basic vehicle maintenance is a fundamental part of the mechanic's job in some countries. Preventative maintenance is too a fundamental role of the mechanic'southward task, only this is not possible in the case of vehicles that are non regularly maintained past the mechanic. I misunderstood aspect of preventative maintenance is "scheduled replacement" of various parts, which occurs before failure to avert far more than expensive damage. Because this ways that parts are replaced earlier whatever problem is observed, many vehicle owners will not understand why the expense is necessary.

With the rapid advancement in technology, the mechanic'south job has evolved from purely mechanical, to include electronic technology. Because vehicles today possess circuitous estimator and electronic systems, mechanics need to have a broader base of knowledge than in the past. The term "auto mechanic" is beingness used less and less frequently and is being replaced past the title "automotive service technician". Fading quickly is the day of the mechanic, who needed piddling knowledge of today's computerized systems. Most automobile dealerships at present provide sophisticated diagnostic computers to each technician, without which they would be unable to diagnose or repair a vehicle.

Exercise 3. Match a–g with ane–7.

ane) preventive maintenance

2) maintenance

three) repair

iv) to diagnose

five) partial disassembly

6) replacement

7) failure

a) диагностировать

b) профилактическое обслуживание

c) поломка, отказ

d) замена

due east) ремонт

f) обслуживание

g) частичная разборка

Exercise iv. Put in prepositions where necessary.

1. A car mechanic specializes … machine repair.

ii. Mechanics should be knowledgeable in working … all parts of cars.

3. This job involve the replacement … some parts.

four. Nowadays mechanics need to have more knowledge than … the part.

5. Most dealerships provide diagnostic computers … each technician.

Exercise 5. Notice the passages in the text higher up for which the adjacent word combinations would be the cardinal words:

1. machine mechanic's job

ii. electronic technologies

iii. vehicle maintenance

Exercise six. Answer the questions.

1. What is a machine mechanic called in Australian English language?

2. What are the main functions of the car mechanic?

3. Does the mechanic'south task include electronic technology?

4. Do most motorcar dealerships at present provide sophisticated diagnostic computers to each technician?

Practice 7. Give some reasons for your professional person choice. You may employ the following phrases:

to be addicted of automobiles; to be well-paid; to give prospects for career growth; to involve electronic technology; to crave much noesis.

Example: I chose this profession because I like machinery.

Exercise 8. Do you agree that the mechanic'due south job include electronic technologies? Discuss it, agreeing and giving arguments.


Machine mechanic's skills

Do i. Read "th" every bit [θ] or [ð] in these words.

                   [ T ]                                                                    [ D ]

length                   cheers                                     other                  than

retrieve                     worth                                      their                   with

thin                       theme                                      that                    then

Do 2. Read the text and effort to sympathize the significant of the underlined words and word combinations.

Auto mechanics repair and maintain cars. Some mechanics work on all parts of any auto, while others specialize in one surface area or on ane blazon of car. The most challenging aspect of car repair is often the mechanic's favourite part: diagnosing the problem. Speed and accuracy in diagnosis and quoting prices to the customer are crucial if the mechanic intends to keep long-term clients. The mechanic examines the engine while it is running (if possible) to see if his initial assumptions are correct.

Electronic diagnostic equipment is useful but the good mechanic can tell a lot past using eyes, ears, a nose as he searches for bug. Sometimes he repairs parts, but if the office is worn or damaged, he replaces it. Some mechanics compare their field to that of the physician, considering most people come to them only when their auto is in dire straits. When people come in for an automotive check-up, mechanics often replace worn parts earlier they become hazardous to the commuter, even though drivers tin be suspicious of mechanics who recommend the replacement of parts that oasis't stopped operation.

The all-time mechanics have mastery of a broad variety of integrated skills: electrical systems (a car's wiring is more complicated than an average habitation's); computerized electronics (a television receiver set seems simple by comparison); fuel system (a auto's "plumbing" is a Byzantine maze of tubes). Automobile mechanics proudly compare themselves to doctors, since they mainly see people with complaints; just whereas the homo body and its bug have remained substantially unchanged for millennia, the designs of cars change every year. As a result, the job requires more preparation than ever before. More than and more, cars are controlled by electronic instruments, so mechanics are using computers constantly. "Computers accept get equally much a part of the tool box every bit wrenches," said one mechanic.

Most machine mechanics kickoff in an automotive repair school, then work full time at the same dealerships. They read trade papers daily to know about of changes and trends in their manufacture. As they proceeds experience they can movement into college-paying, specialized positions. They can also rise to the ranks of supervisor or managing director, especially if they have potent interpersonal skills to calm cranky customers who are displeased by high service bills and inconvenience.

Exercise 3. Match a–50 with ane–12.

a) diagnosis

b) long-term clients

c) examine

d) electronic diagnostic equipment

e) worn parts

f) supervene upon

grand) mastery

h) maintain

i) fuel system

j) wrench

k) interpersonal skills

l) tool box

1) топливная система

2) изношенные детали

3) диагностика

four) постоянные клиенты

five) осматривать

half dozen) электронное оборудование для диагностики

7) заменить

8) мастерство

ix) обслуживать

10) гаечный ключ

xi) коробка с инструментами

12) умения межличностного взаимодействия

Do iv. Make full in the missing messages in the words.

Rep .. r, me .. anic, diagnos .. , repl .. east, maste .. , t .. fifty, experien .. , ma .. nta .. n, cl .. nt,

e .. am .. ne, en .. ne, dr .. v .. r.

Exercise v. Using the data from the text, make up the list of operations which

car mechanics must perform. Write them downwards into your practice books.

Practice 6. Make the following sentences negative.

1. Teachers repair and maintain cars.

2. If the role is worn, a automobile mechanic replaces it.

3. The easiest attribute of automobile repair is diagnosing the problem.

4. Car mechanics compare themselves to painters.

5. Mechanics are using chalk constantly.

Exercise 7. Reply the following questions.

1. Which of the operations (practise v) tin can you manage?

2. Do you hold that "electronic diagnostic equipment is useful but the adept mechanic tin tell a lot by using optics, ears, a olfactory organ equally he searches for problems". Explain your point of view.

3. Why do automobile mechanics compare themselves to doctors? What is like and what is different in their work?

four. What is the way car mechanics tin can movement into higher-paying positions?

Do 8. Choose from the listing beneath characteristics, which you consider necessary

in your profession, add others if necessary.

Accurate, tolerant, patient, sociable, good-mannered, exact, cautious, attentive, hardworking, scrupulous, precipitous, widely-read, competent, organised, impulsive, impatient, counterbalanced.

Exercise 9. Read the data beneath, concur or disagree. Show your point of view.

Car mechanics tin can rise to the ranks of supervisor or manager, especially if they accept strong interpersonal skills to calm cranky customers who are displeased by loftier service bills and inconvenience.

Do 10. Proper name some positive and negative aspects of your profession.

Example: This chore is well-paid, but it requires significant physical efforts.

Exercise 11. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about positive and negative aspects

of your profession, using the phrases:

On the one hand… but on the other… (С одной стороны…, а с другой…)

I can't agree… (Я не могу согласиться...)

Every bit far as I know … (Насколько я знаю...)

Y'all are right but… (Вы правы, но…)

At the aforementioned fourth dimension … (В то же время…)

Quite the opposite… (Совсем наоборот...)

I don't think and so … (Я так не думаю…)


How to become the profession

Practise 1. Read "ch" as [1000], [ C ] or [ S ] in these words.


[ C]

[ South ]














Exercise two. Say if you similar the arrangement of machine mechanics grooming in our country. Attempt to give some arguments.

Exercise three. Look through the text beneath and split up it into the following parts:

a) Training arrangement in the Britain.

b) Training organization in Commonwealth of australia.

c) Training system in the USA.

Exercise iv. Read the text and say which organisation of auto mechanics preparation amidst those described in the text you consider the all-time and why.

To become a car mechanic in the Uk students begin their training past studying machine processes in manuals and and then work on older cars. About mechanics detect themselves in technical educational programmes after finishing schoolhouse. All automobile mechanics are required to be certified.

In the U.k. at that place are dissimilar routes for people to become qualified. The best route is to serve an apprenticeship with a local garage or dealership while attending a college or a training centre. The apprenticeship is split into two levels.

Level 2 is made of the following components:

NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) – this is achieved by the collection of evidence in the workplace that the apprentices can remove and supersede components to manufacturers guidelines.

VRQ (Vocational Related Qualification) – this is also sometimes called a "Tech cert" and is a series of tests designed to bear witness that the candidate understands how things work, i.e. engines, transmission, chassis, etc. Information technology is delivered in a multifariousness of means at a preparation eye or at a local higher.

Central Skills – the skills in key areas: Communications (English), Application of Number (Maths) and I.T. (use of computers and I.T.).

When the candidate has achieved the required components listed above, apprentices are given Apprenticeship certificates to show competence at that level.

Uk preparation differs from American training and general practice in that a U.1000. mechanic will be expected to be able to repair all areas of the vehicle (apart from Bodywork and Painting), i.e. engines, pause (подвеска), brakes (тормоза), electrical, transmission, etc., as these are commonly all covered in the same garage or workshop.

This grooming usually takes iv–5 years, after this term apprentice is said to exist "qualified" and works alongside experienced technicians.

In Australia, an apprentice works nether i or more qualified mechanics for a period of 4 years. During that time, they attend a Technical and Farther Education (TAFE) college one day per week for three years. In some states, mechanics are required to exist qualified to work every bit a mechanic, and the workshop in which they piece of work is required to have a workshop license. In other states, no such licensing is required.

In the United states there are several programmes and schools that offer training for those interested in gaining competencies as an automotive mechanic. A few of the aspects usually taught are: ability railroad train (силовая передача) repair and diagnosis, emission command (отвод выхлопа газов), and suspension. The National Automotive Technicians Instruction Foundation (NATEF) is responsible for evaluating technician training programmes for certification (accreditation) by ASE, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. While it's non required past police for a mechanic to be certified, some companies only hire or promote employees who have passed ASE tests.

Exercise 5. Give the sentences from the text with the post-obit phrases and translate them.

one. The all-time route is to serve an apprenticeship … .

2. It is delivered in a variety of ways … .

3. Primal skills … .

4. This training usually takes … .

5. ... an amateur works under … .

6. ... mechanics are required to be … .

7. ... licensing is required.

8. .... aspects normally taught are … .

Do 6. Work in pairs. Describe the organisation of a car mechanic training in Belarus, giving some data nigh:

1) the terms and components of the educational procedure;

ii) the skills required to be certified;

three) final exams.

Example: The training takes 3 years in Republic of belarus. To be certified mechanics are expected to exist able to repair all areas of vehicles. During the grooming menstruation pupils nourish a college and a workshop.

Exercise 7. Fill in the table below. Compare the system of car mechanics training in

different countries.


Is information technology required by

law for a mechanic to be  certified?

Does a automobile

mechanic specialize

in one area or work on all parts of whatsoever machine?

The terms of training.

What I

like in this

arrangement of


What I dislike in this system of grooming.


The United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

The U.s.




Writing resumes (CVs [1] )

Practice ane. Copy the tabular array and complete information technology with the correct parts of speech given




Positive Describing word








Responsibility, inform, competition, transfer, dependence, employment, apply, transferable, dependent, informative, competitive, employ, response, application.

Exercise ii. Larn some rules of writing a resume and say what kind of information is usually mentioned in the resume.

Writing a successful resume depends on many factors. Here is a simple guide to the basics of writing a adept resume (CV):

one. Take detailed notes on your piece of work experience. Include both paid and unpaid, full time and role time positions. Include your principal responsibilities, any other activities that were a role of the task, the job title and the data about the visitor, the dates of employment.

2. Take detailed notes on your education. Include certificates, school names and courses.

3. Include a list of other non-work related accomplishments. These may include competitions won, membership in special organizations, etc.

iv. Decide which skills are transferable (skills that volition exist especially useful) to the position for which yous are applying.

5. Write your full proper noun, accost, phone number, fax and email at the summit of the resume.

6. Include an objective for the resume. The objective is a short sentence describing what type of work you hope to obtain.

vii. Include skills such every bit languages spoken, computer programming cognition, etc. under the heading: Additional Skills.


Be short! Your finished resume should not exist more than than a page.

Use dynamic action verbs such equally: accomplished, collaborated, encouraged, established, facilitated, founded, managed, etc.

Practise Not use the subject "I", use tenses in the past, except for your present task.

If the chore seeker specializes in whatsoever item systems area, such as brake systems, this should exist mentioned as well.

Exercise 3. Consummate the sentences with the missing words from the box.

1. In the resume y'all should give some information about your piece of work … .

2. Include the information on your … : school names and … .

three. Mention the … that volition exist especially useful for the … .

4. Write your total name, … and telephone number at the … of the resume.

address           certificates               experience                        teaching

                top                         job                            skills

Exercise iv. Report this example of a basic resume and endeavour to empathize the meanings of the underlined words.


725 Otter Lane

Wausau, WI 54554

(715) 555-6006


• Skilled in repair and maintenance of automobiles, vans and trucks, with avant-garde skills in diesel repair and maintenance.

• Strong background in working with cooling, air conditioning, electrical, fuel, frazzle and steering systems.

• Experienced in working with all gauges, wrenches, and automobile, air and hand tools.

• Experienced in diagnosing issues, writing accurate piece of work orders and preparing estimates.


Oct 1993 – present Automotive Mechanic, Goodyear Tyre and Repair Service, Galesburg


• Successfully diagnose and repair of 10 vehicles per week on the average.

• Handle all diesel fuel repairs.

June 1991 – October 1993 Automotive Mechanic, Shelby Chevrolet, Hockessin


• Handled repair and maintenance of domestic cars and trucks.

• Recommended employ of a new lubricant, which produced superior results at half the cost of previous lubricant.


1990 Graduate, Hockessin High Schoolhouse, Hockessing

• Related course work: Automotive Shop, Avant-garde Machine Shop, Figurer Operations

1990–1991 Truman Career Vocational Higher, Waverly

• Completed curriculum and certification in automotive repair

• Completed additional certification in diesel fuel repair

• Finished second in graduating course

Estimate [ɡeıdʒ] – счетчик

Wrench [rent∫] – отвертка

Tyre [ ' taıə] – шина

Lubricant [ ' lu:brıkənt] – смазка

Exercise 5. Complete the resume, using the words and word combinations below.

• US

• A position of an automotive mechanic

• Married

• Over 12 years of feel in auto body (кузов) repair operations, client service, full general tune-up and maintenance

• Diagnose and repair all types of vehicles

• 1998 – Denver Customs College

• Specialised in brake system repair. Worked well unsupervised

• Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). Received 5 "Gold Seal" awards for excellence in repair and customer service

• Repaired damaged lorries and ordered parts

   Henry Talbot

3495 Poplar Lane

Denver, CO 55555


Personal Data

Marital status: …

Nationality: …

Objective: …

Summary of Skills: …

Employment History

Perry Motors Denver, CO 2003 – Present


Responsibilities: …

Hudson Motors Denver, CO 2000 – 2003

Lorry Mechanic

Responsibilities: …

Jordan Automotive Denver, CO 1998 – 2000

Trainee (стажер) Mechanic

Responsibilities: …

Certifications: …

Education: …


The Interview

Exercise 1. Read the words with the letter "southward" as [s], [z], [ South ] or [ Z ].

[due south]


[ Southward ]

[ Z ]

















Practice 2. Make the listing of rules how to brand a practiced impression during the job interview.

Practise 3. Learn some rules of a successful job interview and say what the virtually important part of the job interview is.

Congratulations! Your resume have fabricated a expert impression and the employer has called you in for an interview. Now it's time to make sure that you also have the correct blazon of English for that job interview.

There are some very important rules to consider when taking a job interview.

Piece of work Experience

Work feel is the most important role of any job interview. Information technology is true that education is also important, however, most employers are more impressed past extensive work feel than by academy degrees. Employers desire to know exactly what y'all did and how well you achieved your tasks. This is the part of the interview during which yous can brand the best impression. It's of import to give full, detailed answers. Be confident, and emphasize your accomplishments in past positions.


Qualifications include whatsoever teaching, as well every bit any special training you may have had (such as computer courses). Mention your English studies. This is very important as English is not your first language and the employer may be concerned nearly this fact. Assure the employer that yous are continuing to improve your English skills by saying that y'all study a sure number of hours a calendar week to improve your skills.

Talking about Responsibilities

You volition demand to demonstrate your qualifications and skills which are directly applicable to the task you are applying for. If by job skills were not exactly the aforementioned equally what you lot will need on the new job, make sure to detail how they are similar to job skills you will need for the new position.

Exercise four. Read about the specific kind of vocabulary which is used in the interview and say how to brand a adept impression on the interviewer.

The job interview in English language requires a very specific kind of vocabulary. It also requires good tense usage every bit yous need to make a articulate distinction between by and present responsibilities. Here is a quick overview of the appropriate tenses to use:

1) Apply the nowadays elementary to depict your daily responsibilities. This is the most common tense to use when speaking about your current position.

Example Judgement: I repair car engines.

2) Apply the past unproblematic to describe your daily responsibilities in a old position. This is the nigh mutual tense to utilize when speaking about by jobs.

Instance Sentence: I worked every bit a vehicle diagnostician.

3) Utilise the present continuous to speak nearly current projects that are happening at that moment in time. These projects are limited in time and should non be confused with daily responsibilities.

Example Judgement: Currently, I am repairing lorries.

4) Use the present perfect to describe projects or accomplishments that you have made up to the present moment in time. Remember not to include specific by fourth dimension references which should exist used with the by uncomplicated.

Example Judgement: I've got feel in torso repair operations.

5) Use the future simple to hash out your plans for the future. This tense is simply used when the interviewer asks you what you plan to practise in the future.

Case Sentence: I will be the consultant of the team of auto body technicians.

At that place are a number of other tenses that you can use to speak about experience that you take had. Even so, if you lot do non feel comfortable using more than advanced tenses, these tenses should serve you lot well in the interview.

Mutual Interview Questions

The first impression you make on the interviewer tin can decide the residue of the interview. It is important to introduce yourself, milk shake hands, and exist friendly and polite. The outset question is frequently a "breaking the ice" type of question.

Don't be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like:

• How are y'all today?

• Did yous accept any trouble finding us?

• Isn't this great weather we're having?

This type of question is common because the interviewer wants to put yous at ease (help y'all relax). The best way to respond is in a short, friendly way.

Exercise 5. Which responses are correct in these dialogues?

1. Interviewer: How are you today?

    Yous: I'k fi ne, thank you. And yous?

2. Interviewer: How are y'all today?

    Yous: So, so. I'm rather nervous really.

three. Interviewer: Did you have any trouble fi nding u.s.?

    You: No, the offi ce isn't too diffi cult to fi nd.

4. Interviewer: Did you have any trouble finding us?

    You lot: Equally a matter of fact it was very difficult. I missed the exit and had

to return via the highway. I was afraid I was going to be late for the interview.

5. Interviewer: Isn't this great atmospheric condition we're having?

    Y'all: Yes, it'southward wonderful. I tin recollect this time last year. Wasn't it

awful! I thought it would never end raining!

6. Interviewer: Isn't this cracking weather we're having?

    You: Aye, information technology's wonderful. I dear this time of year.

Do 6. Imagine that you are a car mechanic. Employ the list of verbs below to limited

your responsibilities and tasks performed.

Instance: I improved dealership relations with manufacturers, repaired fuel systems, replaced worn parts, carried out general maintenance.

Advised, analyzed, assisted, carried out, inverse, classified, consulted, controlled, cooperated, created, dealt, decided, estimated, examined, improved, inspected, installed, fabricated, managed, negotiated, operated, organized, performed, planned, prepared, purchased, recommended, repaired, replaced, selected, serviced, supervised, tested, upgraded.

Practice 7. You but take a few minutes to evidence how skillful you really are. Using the

adjectives beneath describe your skills and attempt to make the best impression possible.

Example: I am experienced in engine repair and preventive maintenance.

I'one thousand cocky-disciplined and enthusiastic in work. Besides, I'm tactful and diplomatic with other people.

Accurate, agile, adaptable, broad-minded, competent, creative, diplomatic, energetic, enthusiastic, experienced, firm, honest, logical, loyal, mature, motivated, objective, outgoing, pleasant, positive, practical, productive, reliable, self-disciplined, sincere, tactful, trustworthy.

Practice 8. Make up a dialogue between an employer and a machine mechanic looking for a job. Use the phrases from the exercises above.


Applying for a chore

Practise 1. Endeavour to explain to your classmates what the purpose of writing application letters is.

Practice two. Read the post-obit awarding letter and say what parts the letter consists of. In your practice books depict the scheme of the letter.

Alex Smith

204-twoscore 34 th Rd.

Woods Hills, Due north.Y. 12426

Tel. (718) 345-2749

April 16, 2022

The secretary

Motor Dobson Inc.

1342 Moris. Avenue

N.Y. 08314

Dear Sir,

Your advert for an engine mechanic in today'due south Boston Earth interests me much because many years of experience take qualified me to work for a visitor similar yours. Delight, consider me an bidder.

You lot volition find boosted information about my qualifications in the enclosed resume. I would capeesh your granting me an interview.

Sincerely yours,

Alex Smith.

Exercise iii. Fill in the missing letters in the words given below.

Adv..ti.ement, me..anic , exper..n.e,, q..lifi ca…n,, int..v..due west.

Exercise iv. You take read the advertisement (given beneath) in a newspaper. Write the awarding alphabetic character in which try to persuade the employer that you have all the necessary feel and cognition.

Exercise 5. Fill in the awarding form below with the information well-nigh yourself.



Business concern letters

Exercise ane. Discuss the following questions.

ane. What parts does a usual letter include?

ii. What is the difference between a usual letter and a concern letter?

three. What data should a business letter include?

Exercise 2. Report the layout of a business alphabetic character and give headlines to each passage, using the words: Addresses, Appointment, Salutation & Greeting, Concluding a Alphabetic character, Signature

A business organization letter of the alphabet consists of several parts.

Your Accost . Your address should be displayed in the top right-manus section of your letter of the alphabet. The Address of the person you lot are writing to. This accost should be displayed beneath your address on the left-hand side of your letter, remember to include the name of the person that y'all are writing to (if known).

The engagement should be displayed on the right-manus side of the page on the line beneath your address and should be written in full format:

e.g. 1st January, 2001

If you lot do non know the name of the person that you are writing to, use the greeting "Dear Sirs,". In some circumstances information technology is useful to notice the name, particularly if you are writing to make a request as this will show that you have done your homework and your letter of the alphabet is more likely to receive a response.

Dearest Mr Jones,

If you know the name, use one of the post-obit titles:

Mr – for a male, Mrs – for a married female, Miss – for an unmarried female, Ms – for a female whose status is unknown or would adopt to remain anonymous, Dr – for a person with the status of a md. This should exist followed by the surname only (not the first name).

If you do not know the name of the person, finish the letter with "Yours faithfully,". If you know, end the letter of the alphabet with "Yours sincerely,"

Sign your proper name, and so print information technology underneath the signature. If it is potentially unclear what your title would exist then include this in brackets adjacent to your printed proper name.

Do 3. In the post-obit business organization letter sample defi ne the parts mentioned in do 2.

Continental Equipment

Manager: John G.Smith

ix North Road, Brighton, BN 5 JF

Phone: 0273 559364

Fax: 0273 559364

Our Ref: G/f146 Your Ref: SD/jr

Sales Section

Aluminium Blend Co. Ltd. Birmingham

79 Prince Albert St. Birmingham

821 8DJ

xv May 2022

Dear Sirs,

We thanks for your letter of 11 May, and would like to inform you that we can evangelize all the items required from stock, according to the enclosed detailed offer. For the rest nosotros would require 3 weeks from the date of receiving your confirmation that this arrangement is acceptable.

Commitment every bit specified higher up. Payment against documents.

We promise y'all will detect our terms, method of payment and commitment dates satisfactory; and nosotros tin can assure that you may count on our total cooperation and firsthand attending in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Robert Hanson

Continental Equipment

Exercise iv. Give the English equivalents to the word combinations.

Можем доставить; все требующиеся предметы; от даты получения; соглашение приемлемо; оплата при доставке; способ оплаты; сроки доставки; рассчитывать на сотрудничество.

Exercise 5. Put in prepositions where necessary.

cheers … your alphabetic character

deliver … the items

according … the offer

ii months … the engagement of payment

charges payable ... delivery

count … our help

method … payment

Practice 6. Friction match a–thousand with 1–xi.

a) the terms of commitment

b) cooperation

c) lower the price

d) discuss the terms

e) come up to an understanding (with smb)

f) proposal

m) offering

h) concur

i) reject

j) satisfy

thousand) look forwards to

1) прийти к соглашению (с кем-либо)

ii) отвергать, отказываться от

3) ожидать с нетерпением, предвкушать

4) предлагать; предложение

5) сроки поставки

6) снизить цену

7) предложение

8) удовлетворять

9) сотрудничество

10) соглашаться

eleven) обсудить условия

Practice 7. Read the description of 3 types of business organisation letters and decide which of them is:

• a letter of complaint

• a letter of enquiry

• a letter of the alphabet of request

a) It is a formal letter which specifically asks an private or organization to take an action. An example of this type of messages would be a letter sent to asking sponsorship for a charity activeness. It is important to stress the importance of being clear and concise with this format of letter of the alphabet as the recipient must remain interested in what you have to say.

b) Information technology is a formal letter sent to an individual or organization in response to receiving poor service or a bad production. An example of this type of messages would exist a letter sent to a company that has provided a bad service. In this type of formal messages it is of import that y'all detail your arguments.

c) It is a formal letter that makes an approach to an individual or organisation where yous request some data. An example of this type of messages would exist a alphabetic character sent to a company requesting a copy of their catalogue or brochure. These messages are short and it is ordinarily beneficial to include other means of contact.

Exercise 8. Make up the letter of one of the types (do 7). Use some of the following phrases:


Thank you for your e-mail (letter) of (date)

Farther to your last e-mail… . (Отвечая на Ваше письмо…)

With reference to your letter of the alphabet of 23rd March … (Относительно Вашего письма от 23 марта...)

With reference to your advertisement in "The Times"… .

The aim:

I am writing to enquire almost… (чтобы узнать).

I am writing to apologise for… .

I am writing to confirm... (чтобы подтвердить)

I am writing in connection with… (в связи с)

I'm writing to let you lot know that…


Could you possibly…

I would exist grateful if yous could …

I would like to receive…

Please could yous send me…

To inform on bad news:


I am sorry to inform yous that…

We regret to inform yous that…

To requite some additional information:

We are pleased to enclose… (С удовольствием вкладываем...)

Attached you will find… (В прикрепленном файле Вы найдете...)

Gratitude for the shown involvement:

Cheers for your letter of…

Cheers for enquiring…

Additional questions:

I practice not fully sympathise what…

Could you perhaps explain…


Business organization etiquette

Practise 1. Transcribe and pronounce correctly the words.

Who, why, would, what, welcome, which, when, where, well.

Exercise 2. When you fi rst meet someone information technology can be difficult to know how to start a conversation, especially if your fi rst language is not English. Define which of the topics in the listing below are safe for small talk and which of them are best avoided.

Introductions , eg "Hello. May I introduce myself? My name is Marking."

Travel , eg "Did yous manage to fi nd here OK?" or "Did you take a good journey?"

The weather , eg "It's a lovely solar day today, isn't it?"

Historic period , eg "How one-time are you?"

General news , eg "What practice you lot think virtually the recent fl oods?"

Appearance or weight , eg "You seem to accept put on some weight."

Business concern , eg "How'southward your business going?"

Work , eg "What sort of work practise you do?"

Money , eg "How much do you earn?"

Politics , eg "Who did y'all vote for at the concluding election?"

Religion , eg "Exercise you believe in God?"

Criticisms or complaints , eg "Why is British food then bad?"

Exercise iii. Read the direct phrases, and then write them in a more than polite way. Choose the discussion-combinations:

Could you… , Shall I…,  I'm agape…,  Would you lot similar to …, May I suggest…,  Would you listen…,  Would you like me…, There'south been a slight misunderstanding…,  Tin can you await a minute…, Would you similar…, Actually…


More polite

Wait a infinitesimal!

Nosotros haven't got any left.

You are wrong. I'm not a ….

Confirm that tomorrow, please.

Yous've got the wrong date.

Do you want my help?

… , please.

… , we oasis't got any left.

… , I'one thousand not a … .

… confirm that tomorrow, please?

… about the appointment.

… help you?

Practice 4. Read the questions, then write them in a more than polite style using the tag questions.

Example: How many employees are there in all?

                 There are 300 employees in your firm, aren't there?

1. Does your firm have any branch plants?

2. Who is your principal supplier?

iii. What is the per centum defective?

four. Are y'all paid by the hour (почасовая оплата)?

5. Practice you lot ever piece of work overtime?

Practise 5. Which of the groups (greeting and farewell; apologies; sympathy; agreement, disagreement, refusal; invitations; requests; thanks) do the post-obit phrases vest to?

1. Excuse me, I must exist going. 2. Don't mention it. 3. Good luck! 4. Glad to meet yous.

5. How exercise you do? 6. Information technology's overnice to run into you. seven. Fine, thank you. And you? 8. May I enquire a favour of you? 9. Skillful-farewell. x. I am very grateful to you. 11. How are y'all? 12. I would like to invite you to … . 13. That suits me. 14. You are welcome. 15. I am very sad to hear that. 16. Could you assist me, please? 17. Thank you for your help. eighteen. Please pardon the disturbance. 19. Please don't be angry. twenty. Thank y'all, but I will exist busy then. 21. I take no objection. 22. Sorry, I acquired you so much trouble. 23. Y'all are right. 24. Alibi me, but I have things to do. 25. I very much regret what happened. 26. Too bad. 27. On the contrary!

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the words: run across, busy, do, welcome, commitment, mention, grateful, how

1. I am … to yous. 2. It'south dainty to … you. iii. I'm afraid I'll exist … so. 4. Don' t … it. v. How do you … ? 6. … are you? 7. You are … . eight. Allow'south discuss the terms of … .

Exercise 7. Complete the dialogue with the phrases below and office-play it.

Mr. Ivanov: … , Mr. Smith. How do you practise?

Mr. Smith: … , Mr. Ivanov?

Mr. Ivanov: Nosotros're here today … .

Mr. Smith: If you don't mind, … . What'due south your idea of the cost?

Mr. Ivanov: Nosotros propose 50 pounds per item.

Mr. Smith: Nosotros're not satisfi ed with the terms yous offered. …. ? I propose 45 pounds per particular.

Mr. Ivanov: Nosotros'll think your proposal over. I suppose … .

Mr. Smith: At present we come to the question of the term.

Mr. Ivanov: In a calendar month, I suppose. … ?

Mr. Smith: Agreed.

Mr. Ivanov: Correct, it looks as though … . We are looking forrad to … .

to discuss the terms of the delivery; how do you lot do; could you lower the

price; permit's start with the toll; will that do; nosotros've covered the principal items;

standing our cooperation; we could come to understanding; dainty to meet you lot.

Exercise viii. Make upward your dialogues past illustration.

Список использованной литературы

one. Английский язык: модуль для студентов ФТС, АМФ, ИТФ / сост. : Т.В. Рыло – Минск : БГАТУ

two. Герасимук А.С. Английский язык для специалистов автосервиса. – Минск. Издательство «Вышэйшая школа»

3. Дарская, В. Г. Большой англо-русский политехнический словарь : в 2 т. – М.: Вече

four. Полякова Т.Ю. и др. Английский язык для инженеров. – М., Высшая школа\

5. Хоменко, С. А. Английский язык для студентов технических вузов. Основной курс : учебное пособие. – В 2 ч. – Минск : Высшая школа

vi. Шляхова, В. А. Английский язык для студентов автомобилестроительных специальностей средних профессиональных учреждений – М.

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[one] CV – Curriculum Vitae – a summary of academic and professional history and achievements.


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